Michel Ohagen, filmmaker

Studied stage design and visual communication at the Niederrhein Krefeld University. Semester abroad at the Lucerne University of Applied Arts. Creative director and art director in the cultural and creative sector. Filmmaker for experimental films, short films and documentaries. Lives in Düsseldorf and Sweden.


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"Stories leave a lasting impression, especially when you are personally at the scene of the event. As a listener with strong visual talent, great cinema immediately plays in my head.  When my husband and I discovered the magical volcanic island of Stromboli in Italy more than forty years ago, we were immediately inspired by the magic of this island.


Like everywhere else in the world, in small towns, the stories of the local people are the most important topics of the day. We experienced 9/11 there and different interpretations of this memorable event spread across the island like wildfire. Only later did we see the pictures with our own eyes.  


We knew Luigi personally. He was a kind-hearted, cheerful person. He always greeted politely when we met him. We gave him our garbage bags - he accepted them like a "gift". His tragic death affected us greatly. Everyone on the island knew that this illegal dumping would inevitably have consequences.


Only with Luigi's misfortune did everyone realize that nature and humans are reaching their limits. Only sustainable solutions to avoid or dispose of waste have a future. Improvised or indifferent behavior ultimately leads to disaster. Whether small or large, people often lose their lives because of it."

About Writer and Director

I have been visiting the magical volcanic island of Stromboli in the Italian Mediterranean for over 40 years. I experienced many stories there. But this one touched me the most.

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More Film Projects from Michel Ohagen

Michel Ohagen produced his first documentary in Cuba in 2003. His current film project "The Long Midsommar Night" is currently in production.

More about Short Movies from Michel Ohagen